
  Background, Vision / Mission
  Calendar of Major Events
  Flag Day report 2016
  Flag Day report 2015
  TME Programmes
  TME Worldwide
  We need your support


In 1987, a group of young Christians in Hong Kong envisioned a society where multi-media businesses would proliferate, and they saw the chance to capitalize on the advance technologies to serve the society. Their vision gave birth to an organization, known as "The Media Evangelism" (TME). The Media Evangelism Limited was officially incorporated in Hong Kong in 1991.  

Vision & Mission

The Media Evangelism Limited is a charitable Christian organization committed to building a Christian media presence by using every modern means of communication to promote the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our missions are :

  • To take the message of our Lord Jesus Christ to all by means of high quality audio and visual products and services.

  • To foster biblical standard and Christian values in Chinese communities worldwide.

  • To enhance the moral and spiritual fabric of our society through creative media.

  • To pull together the collective wisdom of Evangelical Christians who are talented and gifted in media arts, and to collaborate with other Christian groups for the advance of the Kingdom of God.

  • To keep the ministry with financial health and strength to achieve effective operation and sustainable development.

  • 方舟爭議與真相反思專題網站


     2025 © The Media Evangelism Limited